The Societal - Your Only Community
The Societal - Your Only Community
Thursday, 08 Dec 2022 00:00 am
The Societal - Your Only Community

The Societal - Your Only Community

Instagram is no more a social media account that you can use to chat with your friend. It has now turned into a global marketplace, a place to showcase your talent, a place to learn skills, and in general, Instagram is a place where you can ‘influence’ others. Daily, the platform has billions of continuous, active users. This is quite a heavy number of people because the application has been around for only a decade.

With such a strong user base, Instagram has turned into a weapon for those with unique abilities, interests, and talents. This is where likes, comments, followers, and ‘impressions’ matter. While many people do not understand the vast usage of the application, many do. ​After it’s launched in 2010, and the acquisition by Facebook in 2012, the application has achieved great heights.

Instagram Influencers :


The Revolution :

The impact of this influence is greater than it looks. There are many upsides to it. While it is relatively easy for anyone to become an influencer, it is also very easy to attract brands. Like the following, likes, etc on the Instagram increase, one will eventually get brands asking them to promote their commodity.

This is how Instagram’s influencing works and this has risen in the past couple of years. While after the release of the Reel function of the application, the sky is the limit for most of the users. The Instagram bubble keeps on expanding to limitless horizons and there is just no limit to it.

But, with the introduction of the new 2020 algorithm, Instagram has decreased the reach of many of these accounts and influencers. This is a fact for many growing influencers of Instagram. There are many disadvantages too of this influencers revolution. One of the biggest is the race for the increased number of followers, likes, comments, etc.


The failure to do so had has caused many to switch to create content that is not suitable for the general public. The thing is that the revolution has spread at such a quick pace that everyone now wants to be an influencer. For this, they need followers, that many people want as quickly as possible.

Indeed the revolution is a great blessing but, only if used with caution and increased sensitivity. Those who influence a larger base should promote the content or product they believe in. Instagram is indeed one of the biggest platforms that have given voice to many who have been quiet for a long. Many hidden artists have come out and now, talent and creativity are the voices that are heard everywhere.